Apr 13, 2010 10:50
[Ky can be found silently at work on his taxes. He's about 75% of the way through; however, he hasn't taken a single break since he started. Feel free to interrupt him!]
ichabod crane,
eirin yagokoro
Mar 30, 2010 14:30
[[Private; Hackable]]
...So, Fate is gone...
This is going to make matters more difficult. She may not have liked it, but Fate was skilled at what she did.
Now all the responsibility of drafting plans falls upon me. At least we have a solid defensive plan for the time being...
...It's almost Easter. Everyone, be on your guard.
alice liddell,
ichabod crane,
eirin yagokoro,
night of wallachia,
sophie hatter,
reisen udongein inaba,
momiji inubashiri,
dist the reaper (saphir neis)